招生 Application Requirements

We know the college application process can sometimes seem complex. 下面你会发现你需要的资源和信息,使申请GMercyU本科课程没有压力.

招生 counselors are available for any questions you may have along the way.


If you are interested in an online or accelerated program, ABSN或周末BSN计划, or a graduate 护理 degree program, check out these application requirements.


1. 递交申请

We offer two ways to submit your application. 你可以填写 GMercyU的在线应用程序 或透过“通用申请”申请. There are no fees for either application. 请只提交一份申请.

2. 提交成绩单

Submit an official transcript from your high school. 

If you have taken college courses while in high school, please submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended.

Official transcripts can be submitted electronically by your high school counselor, 或通过Naviance或Parchment.

除了电子方式, you can also submit your transcripts, 推荐信, 及其他必要文件,以便:

P.O. 901箱

No matter what program you’re applying to, you will need to have a cumulative unweighted GPA of at least 2.5. 

  • 有些专业,如护理专业,有更高的GPA要求和课程要求. There’s more information about this below, but please don’t hesitate to contact the 招生 Office if you have questions.

3) Submitting Standardized Test Scores is Optional!


如果你觉得你的SAT或ACT成绩可以补充你的申请,请随时提交它们! 不过别担心, 不提交考试成绩不会对你的申请产生负面影响,也不会影响你获得优秀奖学金的资格.



伟大的! 请从考试机构直接寄给格温内斯默西大学,或者作为你正式高中成绩单的一部分. 我们的SAT代码是2278. 我们的ACT代码是3583.

护理 applicants who choose to submit standardized test scores 将直接进入护理学位课程,前提是他们的累积GPA达到3.0分或以上,数学和科学成绩为A和B,并获得以下考试成绩:

SAT Reading: 550 or higher | SAT Math: 520 or higher OR

ACT Reading: 20 or higher | ACT Math: 19 or higher OR


不用担心! 它们不是必需的, 但是,如果你选择不提交这些材料,那么在申请以下任何一个项目时,你都需要提交额外的材料:

会计-注册会计师轨道** You must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0分及较强的数学成绩,并提交数学或会计老师的推荐信.

 生物学* * You must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.数学和科学成绩优异,并提交一份生物老师的推荐信. 你的招生顾问会与你联系,了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站你对生物学专业的兴趣.

计算机信息科学 You must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.至少一门计算机课程成绩为A或B,并提交推荐信.

教育 If your cumulative GPA is less than a 3.0, 请提交学术老师的推荐信,并安排与招生顾问的谈话.  如果你的平均绩点是3.0 or higher, all we need are your high school transcripts.

**选择提交上述课程SAT成绩的学生通常需要数学部分至少500-530分,阅读部分至少500分. 护理要求更高.

护理 You must have cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and A’s and B’s in math and science.

推荐信 are not required for all other programs, but are recommended since they help the 招生 team get to know you better. 如果提交, 推荐信应该讨论申请人作为一名大学生的性格和前途.


1. 递交申请

We offer two ways to submit your application. 你可以填写 GMercyU的在线应用程序 或透过 常见的应用程序. 请只提交一份申请.

2. 提交成绩单.

Submit an official transcript from each college/university you attended.


Or you can submit your transcripts, and other necessary documents by mail to:

P.O. 901箱

3. Check requirements for your intended program

Transfer students must have a minimum cumulative college GPA of 2.进入德国商业大学的入场费是100美元. Some programs require a higher GPA for admittance.  

Some programs may also require satisfactory completion of specific courses. Speak with your Transfer 招生 Counselor or review the 本科目录 了解更多信息.

GMercyU offers multiple ways to transfer to our 护理 program. See all details on our Transfer 护理 p年龄.


1. 递交申请.

完整的 GMercyU的在线应用程序 and meet the 招生 criteria for any other first-year or transfer student (see above).

2. 提交成绩单 for evaluation


3. 参加托福/雅思考试

Score at least a 79 on the Internet-based TOEFL test or a 6 on the IELTS test.

To learn more about enrolling as an International 学生, visit the International 学生 招生 p年龄.

If you need help, please contact the 格温内斯仁慈大学 招生 Department at 招生@jinguangyuan.net or 800-342-5462 for specific instructions on how to apply.

All documents for undergraduate 招生 should be submitted to:

P.O. 901箱

Please note: 学生s who apply to education, 护理, 卫生专业项目必须有能力获得在临床/学校环境中安置所需的背景筛选,并且应该这样做 审查州执照要求 在选择注册之前.  The background screening requires students to provide a U.S. 社会安全号码(SSN).

U.S. 公民身份或永久居留权是某些学术课程许可的要求. 国际学生和DACA身份下的学生或无证件的学生在参加学位课程之前应该仔细审查他们所在州的许可证要求,从而获得许可证. Additional information can be found on the National Conference of State Legislatures website


Once you are accepted into an undergraduate business degree program, you may apply for the 4+1 MBA program in your junior year.  If admitted, you will need to complete an additional 30 credits to earn your MBA.

奖金!  As an undergrad accepted into the 4+1 MBA program, 在大四的时候,你可以获得多达12个研究生学分——作为你本科学费的一部分. The next 18 credits for your MBA will be completed online in year five.  You will need to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to remain in the program.

If you are a current GMercyU student, you are expected to continually progress toward degree completion. 如果你注册了一个学期为基础的课程,并且连续两个学期(秋季和春季学期)没有尝试任何学分。, 你将被视为退学,需要提交一份重新入学的在线申请来完成你的课程.

参加非学期课程的学生,如果缺课1年(365天),需要提交课程重新入学申请. 所有重新入学申请将由各自的学院院长审查和批准.

在高中完成大学先修课程的申请人可以提交大学入学考试委员会的先修考试成绩. College credit will be awarded for a satisfactory examination score of 3 or higher. 获得英语或数学学分的学生不需要参加该领域的分班考试. (Refer to Placement Program for College English and Mathematics).

格温内斯仁慈大学为所有根据《摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站》和《摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站》第504条披露残疾的学生提供平等的教育机会. For more information regarding programs and services, please contact the Director of Accessibility 服务s at 215-646-7300 ext. 21014或浏览 学生无障碍服务网页.

作为一名未被录取的学生,你可以在格温内斯仁慈大学的兼职基础上学习多达12个学分的课程. 修完12学分后, 你需要联系招生办公室以获得入学指导. 然而, if you wish to continue to take courses but do not intend to work toward degree completion, the 招生 Office can waive the matriculated student requirement.

注意: 打算攻读工商管理或护理学位的学生作为非入学学生只能完成9个学分.


格温内斯仁慈大学 is committed to maintaining a positive learning, 工作, and living environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. 格温内斯默西大学不会因为种族而歧视任何申请入学或就业的申请人, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 残疾, color, 婚姻状况, 资深地位, 遗传特征, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law (“Protected Classes”). 这包括, 但不限于, 招生, 金融援助, 教育服务, 学生项目和活动, as well as to all terms and conditions of employment including, 但不限于, 招聘, 选择, 招聘, 放置, transfer, 促销活动, 培训, 补偿, 好处, 纪律, 和终止. 大学不会容忍基于受保护班级的非法歧视或骚扰行为, or related retaliation against or by any employee or student.

*护理 program applications may take a little longer to review.